Monday, September 28, 2009
~trouble is a friend~
No matter if you're fast, no matter if you're slow, oh oh
The eye of the storm or the cry in the mourn, oh oh
You're fine for a while but you start to lose control
He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh!
Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh
He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh
So don't forget as you ease on down the road
He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I won't let him win, but I'm a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh!
Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel
And how I try to make him leave,
I tryOh oh, I try!
He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I won't let him win, but I'm a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh!Ooo, oh ooo, ooo ahh
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
.the wed's.
Monday, September 7, 2009
.1st iftar.
notaKaki:semalam jugak dapat call dari bangah, atiyah and midzi.just by listened to their voice,hati sangat seronok.tambah dapat bergelak ketawa sebentar.esok walid akan outstation around a week.dan mungkin juga mahu pergi ambil mercun yang die tempah.kami akan tinggal bertiga sahaja dan rumah akan sunyi sepi -_-''.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
.omedeto shira-chan!!.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
.hari memuji.

ini adalah pertandingan cari lirik.kebetulan beliau announce dan terus teringat pernah ade dulu lagu least pernah dengar lepas tuh melalak jap dan terus buang.hoho.according to the prize like jack said, we have long lost lah kot.
i start kenal jack while he's studying for bachelor degree lagi tapi tak igt tahun bila.mula-mula follow blog kat friendster die.then bila die dah ada blog nih,follow blog die yang nih pulak.but both remain as silent reader lah.sangat seronok kenal die tapi agak takut kot sebab die dulu-dulu macam garang gila!!tapi skarang rasa die macam dah tak garang sangat kot.he's really different when age changed.i pernah ada perception toward him like "die ni join kongsi gelap ke hape??" "gila jahat kalah mafia nih!!" tapi tu semua dulu lah.saat-saat sukar beliau dgn cik *** kot.huhu.i pun tataw macam mana die boleh recover and heal jadik macam die yang sekarang.mungkin sebab die kuat dan hebat kot -_-''.ameen.
ape pun, he's good in every single thing.writing.photographer.berchenta.smiling.haha.pada pendapat i lah kan.base on what i'm seeing.hari nih mood nak memuji mr.nazmi zaidi sangat tinggi.might sebab die tulis pasal i kat blog die??haha.might be juga sebab i menang pertandingan cari lirik!!keh3x.
have a nice hols jack, i appreciate it.merci beaucop.
notaKaki:pasai pe UTP malam nih ade ramai polis??at every single entrance of UTP diorang ade.sampai kat traffic light KASAS pon diorang ade.musykil.UTP ade orang jahat ke??-_-''
Friday, September 4, 2009
semua orang asyik tanya.macam menyesal sebab cerita pada mereka.tu la,expect too much lah, pak cik tu pon macam konfem jer nak kasik!!ceh.tapi takpe lah was the first.i still have another chance.insyaAllah.
owh,hari ni sangat seronok sebab dapat tengok cerita Nur Kasih yang dah bape lame tertinggal.tiba-tiba emo bila tengok cerita tu.haha.rasa macam adam patut dapat peluang kedua.rasa macam nur patut terus mencuba sebab die baru gagal sekali kot??.takpe lah,tgk jer lah kesudahan nanti camne.huhu.
notaKaki:serius busan sekarang.bila kat rumah hanya ade 4 orang jer.nak masak pon tak bernafsu.haish.adik-adikku,sile lah balik rumah!!sob sob sob
.swing swing.
"kalau lah buaian tu boleh buai kite sampai ke langit, kite tak nak turun dah"
~bak kata senpai lawyer-to-be;
"sakit tu indah,buat kita ingat Allah"
~dan bila tadi ada yang announce lagu 'itu' , rasa sakit tu seperti tak pernah wujud.lega.kalau dulu dengar mesti rasa macam nak balas dendam kot??tapi sekarang rasa mcm nak join diorang perform dengan gitar karen tuh.
notaKaki:harap-harap buaian tu boleh bawak kita merasa udara yang sama =)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
"kak long, kak anis call"
"suh die call handphone kak long lah!!gila x larat nak bangun nih!!"
tetiba bunyi suara comel Lenka...
'kt gerak g manjung around 5 okeh.naek kete aku'
owh,how i love to read those line 'naek kete aku' sebab tak perlu aku drive dah.hoho.sirius rasa badan macam dehydrate.salah sendiri kot kurang minum air.then lepas bergolek-golek untuk cuba bukak mata sebaiknya, suara yusuf islam pulak menyanyi.
"kak long,ayah nak gi masjid tu.tolong iron sket baju melayu pink tu"
ok,sangat malas.badan rasa penat gila macam baru lepas main futsal untuk pertama kalinya!!tapi bangun jugak lah kan.walid kena nampak hensem untuk majlis petang nih -_-'.hehe.
'ma,x sempat iron baju ayah tapi baju to look ok.wrinkle tak terok pon.hehe.'
bukan tamaw iron.tapi walid sangat pantas mandi dan bersiap.keluar jer bilik,die dah siap dengan beg kamera.takkan nak suh walid bukak baju balik kan?? =p
then,tarik bangah dari katil suh die pegi mandi semayang semua sebab kul 5 nak gerak gi manjung.lepas siap-siap, anis datang to pick up us.beliau sangat lemah lembut bila memandu.urghh!!!
after sent bangah to rumah abg long, kitorang blah cari kedai makan nak berbuka.terus teringat secret recipe!!hah,x sesuai untuk berbuka.lepas berbuka mungkin boleh pergi melawat situ sebentar -_-''.
finally lepas berbuka, kitorang balh gi secret recipe.i bought 5ive of them.yummy!!cari-cari masjid pulak.tunggu sampai isya' jap.then,while perform solat yusuf islam menyanyi lagi.orang sebelah jeling-jeling pelik kot sebab my handphone was in my pocket!!huhu.
'kitorang otw balik dah ni,ma.anis bawak 60km/ tunggu jer depan pintu.hehe.'
i know,she's been busy worrying her child.
notaKaki:entry ini tiada motif penting.hanya cerita kosong yang busan.