the venue was at Putrajaya, of course. starting point was at Palace of the Justice, to be specific.
it's 5km. i bajet i can run for 3k non-stop due to my fitness! ecececey.....
dah lama berlari tu, i perasan satu signboard which showed
"40km to go"
dangggg!! what the smurf??
i bersungguh berlari tak henti dengan harapan maybe dah 3k or nearly 4. unfortunately, it just 2k after all. maksudnya, all this while yang i duk training bagai tu mungkin 2k je lah kan?? wuuuuwuuuuwuuuu.....
but thank god, since i prepared for this event, tak lah teruk sangat saket-saket badan-sendi-tulang-kaki semua. i takut jugak kalau-kalau lepas lari i akan cramp untuk separuh hari. haha!
but yeah, my ankle as usual saket sikit laaa...and anothers part of my body went well before-during-after the race ;)
i sebenarnya sedang mencari aktiviti untuk memnuhkan masa bersama diri sendiri!
i just need that since i can't go to any vacation for this year.
rasa macam puas hati dapat perabih duet untuk diri sendiri ;)
i was about starting my engine to enjoy all the things, i mean the adventure one laaa before i setle down. kehkehkeh! jauh berangan yo!

sebelum lari buleh la kau sengih. ce tengok lepas lari haaaa....mintak nyawa kauuuuu!!!!
notaKaki : will walk for the charity soon. insyaAllah ;) let's change people!
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