
Thursday, July 23, 2009

.the tense.

it was a whole week with leisure times.seriously.kire dalam log book nanti aktiviti yang akan direkod hanyalah :
  • membaca majalah
  • bergolek-golek di dalam surau
  • membaca e-novel
  • bercerita itu-ini
  • me'match-maker' kan yani & dash. -_-"

those activities come out when all of us (interns) were assigned to 'belakang tabir' side regarding the mystery was so bored okeh??sleepy all the times.yer lah, start around 9 o'clock and above, we have nothing to do except key in data into FLOAT system.haish.then, melepak all the time till 5.30 pm.when you have nothing to do, the sleepy level will mendadak naek okeh??like you never sleep for three night!!haha.

tomorrow will be my last day here.a bit sad plus feeling hard to leave.but, like the words say "setiap yang bermula pasti akan berakhir" , so do my situation right now.i started to miss the island already.the scenery.the lights.friends and the lake.

the last two night, perasaan sangat goyah.sangat fragile.sangat sensitif.the prejudice pun sibuk lah nak menumpang.i dont know how could only one message from someone can comfy myself.i feel soooo realize kot??tapi memang tak faham apesal dia punya mesej blh kasik myself back to track.thanx!!i trust the words by kak's all about the matter of times. plus, me myself actually need to grow up and change the -ve perceptions.pray for me, kak.

a new friend.but i can recognize his intentions when i heard some high-taste word from, i decided not to put any effort and any hopes except the scenario change in the future -_-".

konklusi : sangat puas.feel better.thanx bloggu.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

.sorry, lewat!!.

masa untuk jawab tag!!haha.gila lama kot dah kena tag but skarang baru ada masa nak buat lah -_-' so, here it is. kalau x silap tag nih dtg dari azila @ lala, syafiqah and kohai-zafirah. mereka semua nih sisterhood time secondary dulu.

1. Copy award di atas dan letakkan di blog anda.

2. Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang pemberi award neh.


~ she's briliant!!

~alim seh.

~sirius ayu!!


~sangat baek hati


~a bit clumsy (dulu2 lah.lama x jumpa nih!)


~sirius kurus.rasa macam die melayang jer =p

~the only daughter of my primary teacher

~bakal join the club of "maaster" student =D



~camera and photography freak =p

~sudah pacaran nearly 6 years sama Qunut

~sedang menuntut di uitm merbok

~ade kereta sendiri!!kagum2

3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta atau hobi sendiri sebelum memilih untuk penerima award seterusnya
~nothing much to say lah.adeh.

  • love cooking and baking so much!!
  • punya impian mahu ke Spain & Japan
  • sedang dalam peralihan mode usia
  • masih mencuba untuk tidak merindui the Ir.
  • suka membaca segala macam journal (medicine, engineering, classic, chemistry,environment, etc, etc)
  • sedang heaven ber'LI' dan sangat x mahu tamat latihan tersebut.
  • suka gila dengan Mongol800
  • dah tengok transformers!! =p
  • sangat suka hangout and spend time with family members and cousins
  • sangat rindukan pulau!!

4. Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award seterusnya dan describe tentang mereka

  1. akak farah - senpai time wannabe
  2. asyila ismail - doc-to-be yg masih study di Cairo
  3. abg abul - senpai secondary yg baik -_-"
  4. abg amad - senpai yg dah banyak duet =D
  5. niesa - gf sahrir.sangat kurus dan kecik!
  6. jacksparrow - the maaster-engineer-to-be
  7. wan fara - timb. pengarah di JPM
  8. kamaruzzaman - anak auntie laily =p
  9. sheirnizam - utang beliau kek cekelat
  10. kak ana the cakebakers - gila creative!!kek dan muffin die sgt marvelous!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

.a women.

"Woman was made from the rib of man,
She was not created from his head to top him,
Nor from his feet to be stepped upon,
She was made from his side to be close to him,
From beneath his arm to be protected by him,
Near his heart to be loved by him."