
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

.christmas eve.

let's the picture talk itself =)

lokasi perjalanan : pavilion. tesco ampang.
aktiviti : carl's Jr. dine in (faberet huzai). cuci mata. window shopping. kunun nak tengok wayang tapi beratur panjang seyh! karaoke. beli kentang, tepung, gula, garam! haha. borong dynamo pada harga murah! cheese cake terbaek. owh ye, beli bahan memasak nasik ayam juge!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

.rumah adalah terapi terbaik.

what makes me really want to spend time at my home. i mean, my parent home. i call it home because for me, the effect was different compare to if we just call it as house =) get it?? what i'm trying to explain?? -.-''

reason 1
- got mum and dad. siblings. sitam and brownie. oh, tomey juge!! my aunties and uncles. my granny (oke, he past away last may) and of course, my bed and mattress. it was huge relief once i can babbling anything to mom and dad. yell to my brothers and sister. feeding our family pet's; sitam, tomey and brownie. ouh, si ikan laga too. watching movies at my brothers room. hang out with siblings. mum and dad.

reason 2
- going home for the sake of my job. i love this travelling part. hehe. since one of my company branch was nearby my home, it gave me an advantage to be at home everytime i want!! =) ouh, job syndrome~

reason 3
- i can cook, bake everytime i want sebab semua bahan dan perlatan lengkap. i was sooo in love in baking and cooking =) even ma akan membebel bile tengok dapur die bersepah =p

reason 4
- i can breath the smell of nature. i love the smell of the air after rainy day. it's something that mesmerize my whole body. rasa macam sangat tenang. nyaman. dan lembab!! eheh. tambah-tambah kalau bau hujan kat kampung.

reason 5
- home where my heart stayed! as simple as that. family, cousins and the family bonding.

notaKaki: walau ma and opah always nagged me about kahwin-thingy-things, i still enjoyed going home! to cured the hurt. relieved stress. to get good food, for sure!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Siapakah orang yang bakhil?
Orang yang bakhil lagi kedekut adalah orang yang berat lidahnya untuk membaca selawat keatas junjungan Rasulullah s.a.w.

"Dan belanjakanlah (apa yang ada pada kamu) kerana (menegakkan) agama Allah, dan janganlah kamu sengaja mencampakkan diri kamu ke dalam bahaya kebinasaan (dengan bersikap bakhil); dan baikilah (dengan sebaik-baiknya segala usaha dan) perbuatan kamu; kerana sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang berusaha memperbaiki amalannya" (Al-Baqarah 2:195)

notaKaki:walau sekecil mana pun rezeki, bila kita benar-benar menghargai, insyaAllah akan ada kepuasan =)

.ubat sakit kah??.

last nite i dream of him, again. we out for a date. chat about his life. and his 'half', i think. i just wonder why he keep coming in my dream T_T if he's not the one for me, dear god, please send him away from me. i think that i was flushed him since early year. so, please mister. just go if you're not for me ='( i'm begging you.

i wasn't in good health condition right now. got cough, flu and bit fever. dalam sakit-sakit tu memang tak sempat nak teringat, terkenang or terbayang kan die. hanya mahu tidur dengan lena dan segera sembuh!! huk~ alih-alih die pulak yang muncul dalam mimpi.
kate kawan saya:

"die yang rindu ko kot. dan die nak ko mimpi die. otak kite kan ade gelombang ala-ala telepati"

pehh...dalam hati aku jawab tu bukan otak punya gelombang. tapi syaitan punya gelombang kot??

"atau mungkin mimpi ko tu sebenarnya jawapan kepada doa-doa ko kot?? jadi, die nak ko tau yang die sihat dan tak nak ko riso"

haaa...sirius, saya tak penah terfikir sampai ke tahap ini. jahil kan saya?? mungkin jugak tanggapan kawan saya yang sorang ni betul. yelah, Allah akan sentiasa menjawab setiap doa hambanya. cuma kita, sebagai hamba selalu terlepas pandang (saya lah tu!!). sebab tu kita sentiasa rasa seperti Allah tak makbulkan doa-doa kita. sometimes, He can twist the way He answer our request. sobs. sedih sebab terlepas pandang jawapan-jawapan dari Dia.

notaKaki: dalam setiap peluang dan detik, saya hanya doakan kesejahteraan, kesihatan dan keselamatan die. sama seperti doa saya buat kesayangan-kesayangan saya. tawakkal 'alallah...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

.it's all about football.

how many cost that incured for those smile?? is that worth my money?? we LOVE malaysia. we LOVE ourselves. we LOVE each others. we LOVE peace. we do share the happiness and the sadness =)

notaKaki: t ere's nothing can beat you, sahabat. nothing can replace or explain how grateful i am to have surrounding by good people. fine friends and awesome family! thank god for the nikmat. alhamdulillah!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


oh ye, ini aktiviti saya sabtu lepas. i was really in love with desert specially cakes, muffins and puddings. seriously, i am crazy with those related things. i rather choose them than rice =) that's show how i really into them. and i'm not suprise at all if one day i can own bakery shop. that was one of my passion besides pasta's and spaghetti's =)

my mom rajen membebel during my bake-aura's come out. she will nag me until i done my cooked/baked. she nagged sebab she thought that no one will eat my dishes. but then, she's one of the testers!! hehe. thanks mom. i know you really loves me. it just, u got headache when saw untidy kitchen of yours kan?? hihik.

kali ini saya cuba buat trifle pudding. turn out jadi macam itu lah. tapi kalau tanya rasa dia, for sure sedap! hehe. cuma takdelah sesedap trifle macam kat hotel-hotel tuh -.-''

notaKaki: tengs atie sebab sudi menyumbang! sayang atie nagn baby ngan abg k manyak-manyak. hehe.


"Pabila kita pohon kekuatan,
Allah beri kesulitan untuk jadikan kita kuat.
Pabila kita pohon keteguhan hati,
Allah beri masalah untuk diatasi.
Pabila kita pohon keyakinan,
Allah beri ujian untuk mantapkan iman & jiwa.
Kadangkala kita tidak dapat apa yang DIINGINI...
Namun kita sentiasa dapat apa yang kita PERLUKAN."

notaKaki : Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. moga tahun baru ini akan lebih tinggi nilaiannya pada mata saya. insyaAllah~

Thursday, December 2, 2010


saya tak pasti sebab apa lately nih saya duk rindukan dia. jenuh duk tepis dah perasaan nih. jenuh tahan segala anggota untuk tidak buat sesuatu yang akan directly in touch with anything that related to him. mari berusaha kuat-kuat cik jaa!!

and i managed to won this batle =) yeay!! sorak untuk diri sendiri. berjaya menahan perasaan yang tak surut-surut nih. gedik lah kau wahai hati -_-''

notaKaki: harap-harap hati nih jangan gedik sangat sampai takleh nak tahan perasaan lagi. fuuuhhhh... pergi lah jauh-jauh....