
Thursday, July 21, 2011

yesterday, i met him again at the court.
he's late. at first i was thought he's absent for the training.
and i thank god for his absent.
unfortunately, in the middle of the training he's there.
tak perasan pun sebab i was focused on my new obsession.
new book that i spent last tuesday. it's worth my money ;)

the reason why i thank God for his absent just because i was halfway give up.
give up untuk terus-terus berusaha menarik perhatian beliau secara terang-terangan.
sebab bila fikir-fikir balik, that's not real me. i am friendly enough with others sepatutnya.
but with this "ais batu", i'm speechless. hopeless.
i was thinking why on earth that so hard to make friend with him.
at first, maybe because he's older than me. or he's not friendly enough like others adult team mate?
yelah, he's hardly smile to others. he's hardly talked with others. i mean other womens.
yes, he's cold. that's why i named him as "ais batu"!! i think it suit him well ;p

notaKaki : i am giving up to give any hint phisically. but, i'll never give up to put an effort by reciting doa for both of us. insyaAllah ;)

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