
Monday, February 8, 2010


now, it was 5th day already. jadi, should be a lots of thing i've learned. at first, i was like

"urghh...sume benda macam nak belajar dalam masa yang singkat??"

it was the first assumption lah kan. but, that asumption was wrong. totally wrong -_-'' betul lah like people said persepsi tu selalunya akan memberi impak negatif pada diri sendiri dan orang lain. jadi, it was bad thing lah kan~

oke, hari ini i've learned how to make a good minit mesyuarat. it was like sudah sangat lama meninggalkan zaman menaip minit mesyuarat. but, i enjoy doing and learning it =) it was all about the admin-thingy-things i should take charge since i was assigned to administrative department. it was my decision before i got exposed to training and marketing department. so, be it lah kan whether i like it or not.

so far, my job was at the good level. i mean dari segala sudut lah. i can do most of the task that i was assigned to. cuma perlu guide dari the experts due to the lack of experiences plus the skema itself. aha, sekarang masih ada waktu senggang sebab my bos agak busy selesaikan presentation slide beliau. sebab tu ada masa untuk menaip di blog. eheh.

so, that's all for now. update siap2 sebab kat rumah takde wirelless neither broadband. sungguh kasihan -_-''

notaKaki:sebenarnya perlu polish my skills of writing. sebab itu sangat bersungguh menulis di blog. adeh -_-'' agak sakit kepala lah jugak sebab perlu berfikir lebih~ selamat berusaha cik jaa untuk hari ini. bak kata atie semalam before leaving my house
"kerja rajin-rajin okeh"

next time, will tel you about atie wed's preparation~

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