
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"betul lah, aku nak kawen. aku dah bertunang lah. deepavali ari tuh"

statement si rudy. ingat lagi rudy?? huhuk. occay, now let see what i feel when heard those statement.

*tak percaya
*tak percaya
*tak percaya
*tak percaya
*tak percaya
*like seriously he's talking about his wedding??
*oh well, tak sabar nak tengok die gelabah depan tok kadi =p
*ok,gembira sebab finally he find his other half~

saya betul-betul rasa dari hati ni yang saya memang gembira untuk rudy. iye, gembira sebab die bakal berkahwin. walaupun short notice, at least he did something precious for his family, life and agama. i hope that he'll be ok though i aware that he's not preparing things really well for this wedding. and i also hope, this is one of his good decision-to become a husband in early age (he's 25 ok) takpe, rezeki tu insyaAllah ada bila dah hidup berdua nanti. tak payah nak berderau sangat fikir pasal masa depan. i know that you must did some survey and research kan before you choosed this final decision =)

"ko jangan nangis plak"

no. i'm not crying. i will not crying for sad. but it will be tears for happiness. happy sebab rudy will take another path in his life and live his life very well. kalau dulu sayang saya pada rudy menggunung tinggi. tapi sekarang rasa sayang tu dah berjaya dikikis. walau kikis tak rata macam padang jarak padang tekukur, tapi saya dah tak addict pada rudy. yeay!! thanks ye untuk si die yang faham saya =) saya berusaha nih!! no worries occay?? rudy bukan saingan awak lah =p hehe.

nota Kaki: sayang saya pada dia bertambah. tapi rasa takut saya jugak bertambah. takut kalau satu masa nanti dia dah tak maw saye lagi. sobs.


nana rashid said...

xnk takot sile kawen cpt2 yer makcik.....konfem die xlari dr kamu~
wah..nk kawen da rudy...plis send my congratulate for him..;)mase die ckp jgn nangis tuh ko patut cakap...."oh jangan risau,sy akan menyusul sikit ms lagi,mungkin sblm jgn nangis yer"keh keh <3

cik jaa said...

hehek. tak nanges kot~ tapi rase macam baru jer suke die. tup tup die dah nak pegi kawen. rase macam baru jer duk slalu kuar berfoya-foya bertige berempat. tibe-tibe dah nak kawen. lepas nih mesti kitorang dah takde kawan nak jadi gila lagi. sobs.