
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

.ceritera pulang ke pulau.

yesterday i just arrived the campus arround 5 o'clock in the vening.sgt letih sbb naek bas yg agak mengerikan.maw tidur pon susah sbb risaw mengenangkan cara the driver drive the bus.haha.walau risaw mcm ape,aku masih tersenyum2 tanpa alasan yg kukuh.ya,senyuman yg sgt puas.slame ni rs mcm plastik jer senyumbut yesterday and beberapa ari yg lepas terasa mcm senyum aku nih sgt real.haha.tahniah la the heartthrob kerana buat aku senyum x henti2 walau dimensi kite laen2.semalam hujan jer sepanjang perjalanan.lebat pulak tuh.tu yg menambahkan lg risaw aku smpai nk lelap pon cuak.tambah2 yg duk sblah aku tu mamat mn ntah.risaw jgk la kan sbb die lelaki.

and i wonder if he like the gift.i wonder if he want to throw away the harapnya tidak la sbb that gift is really berharga pd aku.if die tamaw skalipon,i hope he can give to any party,any person or any place that can appreciate the gift.but seriously i hope he like the gift.i also hope the gift will inspire him to achieve the highest level in his life.inspire him to get happily-ever-after him to go thru the obstacles in his life.

p/s: aishitemasu!!

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