
Monday, March 2, 2009

.the trip.

pulang sudah dr perantauan.dan kesan nyer sgt sgt bagus walaupun sgt sgt tired dan rs mcm nk demam.yer la,dah lm tinggal mende2 mendaki nih.aduhai.but it's really great to mingles with new people, alam semulajadi, food from thai (aku mkn jambu jer pun) and the smell of camping.bau khemah yg sgt sgt dirindui!!walaupun bau die x best tp sgt suke bau sbb it make me feel i'm still the same person.heheh.and the cave was sgt gelap and sgt mencabar.silap langkah mmg blh tegolek ke bawah.huhu.sgt teruja tgk bentuk2 dlm gua tu dgn batu2 die and the stalactite & stalagmite was really awsome.the kodok sgt besau okeh.mcm ayam katik kot saiz die.the ular laju gua pun sgt unik sbb separuh badan die belang putih and separuh lg belang hitam.wahhh... really want to share the picture but due to time constraint, i'll update it later.this morning pon my class was cancel.sgt sgt thank god sbb mmg plan nk skip class pon.ouch, kantoi.sgt x bermaya skarang nih.kalau pg kelas pon mybe berada di awangan jer.haha.till then.byk mende nk kene siapkan.

p/s:a night before the trip, i dream of mr.crush and next morning i relise that someone within the trip member was really alike with him.his eyes,his smile...arghh!!mule2 i feel like sgt suke la.but then bl kerap tgk rs mcm x best plak.sbb it remind me to that because i'm not really set him free away from my heart??*sigh*

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